Sunday, September 20, 2020

Zent- Assignment 3

One unique traveling experience I have had is traveling to Costa Rica. My dad sells coffee for a company that is based in Costa Rica. Most of the company's coffee is grow at a farm in the countryside of San Jose. My dad goes there many times through out January and February to show clients the process of picking and packaging the coffee. When I was nine years old, my entire family went to the farm for two weeks during the summer. We flew into San Jose and took a four hour car ride through the mountains to the farm in the countryside. While there, we got to explore the farm and meet the people that live and work there. The farm is on the top of a mountain and a small town surrounds it with the people who work there. It was really cool to be in a place where I didn't know anyone but they all knew my dad and who I was. It made me feel connected to all of these people I didn't even know. Mostly everyone there spoke no English so my dad had to translate. I got to learn about the way of life of the workers and their culture. We ate Gallo pinto and picked our own oranges to make orange juice. I am really glad I got to experience this other culture and a place where my dad goes often.

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