Saturday, October 24, 2020

Assignment 6-David butler

 This is the story of my passion for film and video editing and how it applies to the majority of the population. 

As a kid I had started with a youtube channel that I posted on quite often and eventually i got a few friends to join me as well. This turned out to be a great experience and what i loved about it most is that it was something that i was truly passionate about so i was willing to put in time and effort to learn the necessary skills. This made the growing process much more fun and enjoyable because it didn't feel like work but instead what I wanted to be doing with my time off. However, a lot of people see this type of scenario in the wrong light. They feel that sine this was only a “hobby” or “side interest”, that they could never truly make a career out of it.

So they never try…

Whether it be the lack of computer software or budget, like in this example, people always doubt their dreams can become possibilities and so for years i did the same.

About 5 years passed and time i could have otherwise used to grow and expand my knowledge of something i loved, I effectively gave up on.My passion faded into the background and i nearly forgot about it but about one year ago something came up on my youtube watch page. That was one of my old videos that for all I knew was lost to the furthest corners of the web, yet here it was. I was surprised by the amount of views it had and that it had surfaced after so long so I got a spark of inspiration. A few days later I downloaded the movie to my computer because at first I didn't have anything else, in fact before I even used an iPhone on my iPhone 6 and I got by just fine. So i was determined to at least for a little while use what i had and try to make the best of it. So for the next few weeks I started planning videos to make. I started to mess around with iMovie on my computer because it is quite different from the phone version that I was accustomed to. And after some thought and a lot of preparation, i made my first video that i posted on my new channel. It got more views than I expected and so I thought to myself. How with what i have can i do better, better quality, more advanced edits, more entertaining, more structured yet fluid. From all these questions I found a drive to improve myself and my skills. So for the next few weeks all i did was research for hours on end, looking up the best edits, how to structure videos around viewers, and so much more.

But yet I enjoyed it. I had once again found a true interest of mine.

After so many hours one tends to get bored but my interest just builds on itself and when you find things like this you don't make the mistake i made, you stick with it because it's what you love. And ultimately what you love leads to the most success because that is what you will put the most effort into and what will make you happy which is most important. 

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