Sunday, October 25, 2020

Assignment 7

 I have big plans for when I go into college. Im not sure yet if I want to keep paling tennis while in college but I have big dreams of becoming a psychiatrist. I am very determined of this and determined to always have good grades. My dream school is Vanderbilt currently as they are a very reputable school and I love the campus and the surrounding area. I won't be getting bored there easily and will most likely always be busy with work. I am determined to work hard even with my ADHD holding me back a little. One of the hardest things I had to overcome so far was the huge curve if middle school to high school. Grades went from just being a way to see how you were doing too being important to your future and how well collages would look at you. I struggled with this change the first year barely being able to pull out a 3.5 GPA even after I emailed one of my teachers to round my grade and I think they did so out of pity. The second semester of freshman year was able to get 4 A's with no rounding needed. Sophomore year I had straight A's both semesters and I am on track to get straight A's this first semester of junior year so far. I had to work and adapt in order to get the grades I wanted to get. I couldn't slack like I did in middle school with the mindset of "these grades don't matter no school will ever see these grades." I had to change my entire mindset to keep me focused on my work and achieve the work I knew I could do. 

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