Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Duncan Wingfield Assignment 8

 Fears: College, tornadoes, cave crickets, death, people

Annoyances: Physics, vaccum cleaners, the vegetables that my parents just leave out on the counter rotting for weeks, canvas, shopping

Accomplishments: Made it this far in school, lego stuff, grades

Confusions: Social interaction, college, physics

Sorrows: I feel like I'm rude and judgemental and generally kind of unpleasant

Dreams: Live somewhere with better winters, 

Idiosyncracies: Knowledgeable

Risks: I don't know I don't like to take many risks

Beloved possesions: Legos, my friends (now), still legos (then)

Problems: Organiziation, rude, judgmental

Shopping severly annoys me, nothing feels worse than wasting 2-5 hours of my day in cold and crowded stores just to have food to eat later on. It always takes forever and there's nothing interesting to do and I always get really cold. The worst part of it all definitley has to be getting home but not being able to go back to your day because you have to help put away groceries and carry them in from the car. It always wastes massive amounts of time and I just hate it. I definitley don't miss shopping cause with the pandemic I haven't had to go out shopping for a good while and it's great to not have to do that.

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