Sunday, October 25, 2020

Ghazzal Hammad - Assignment 8

Fears: spiders, snakes, failure, losing my family

Annoyances: people who are ignorant to situations/problems that don't directly affect them

Accomplishments: good grades, being able to juggle lots of extracurriculars

Confusions: most of chemistry

Sorrows: starving and/or war-torn people

Dreams: have a good career that I am proud of

Idiosyncrasies: playing with my hair when I'm talking

Risks: skydiving!!

Beloved possessions (now and then): stuffed animals (then); my laptop and sweatshirts (now)

Problems:  lack of self confidence, being hard on myself, being stubborn and refusing to ask for help

The one I am going to elaborate on is my annoyance. This is something that hadn't started bothering me until recently (maybe towards May/June). It stuck out to me whenever the Black Lives Matter movement started becoming popular. I noticed that a lot of people -- some of my friends included -- chose to be ignorant about the problems and acted as if nothing was happening because it was something that did not affect them personally. I don't mean to get controversial here, because I respect everyone's opinions, but I think a lot of people were choosing to ignore the whole situation because it wasn't something they needed to worry about. While I understand wanting to advocate or speak out about issues that pertain to you personally, I don't understand being ignorant and blind to issues that affect other people. So many people I knew were dismissing the whole situation and acting as if though the victims were the people to blame, even when so much evidence said otherwise. This became so frustrating to me, because it just seemed absurd to me that people are so selfish that they can't even take the time to truly learn about these problems that affect other people. Obviously, it is harder to understand these situations when it's not something that you have ever had to worry about. However, it is still important to attempt to learn about these situations (for the sake of your peers, friends, and community members) instead of choosing to be ignorant and disrespectful about them.

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