Sunday, October 25, 2020

Sara Anderlich- Assignment 8

About Me:

  • Fears- losing people, my dad dying, my dog dying, overwhelming others, annoying others, not being "good enough", etc.
  • Annoyances- forgetting to save something and having to restart/losing progress on an assignment due to a glitch, my computer freezing, people being forgetful, people who lack empathy, chewing gum loudly, refusing to try, "I don't have time", etc. 
  • Accomplishments- Winning the Reflections contest at state level (poetry, 8th grade), having a good group of friends, learning to be mindful
  • Confusions- why can't people just love other people? 
  • Sorrows- anxiety, my dad has dementia
  • Dreams- having a family, feeling carefree, travel, 
  • Idiosyncrasies- band!!
  • Risks- paragliding, sky diving (both want)
  • Beloved Possessions (now and then)- photos, music boxes, journals
  • Problems- overthinking, overthinking, overthinking, overthinking, overthinking

    Problems: There's so much that goes on in my life, good and bad, that it's hard to know what to specifically talk about. Right now, not as much is great. I'm struggling a lot, and even if I'm carrying myself well, certain things are really overwhelming. Things that should and shouldn't be. Most are stupid reasons and it's part of an anxiety that I'm trying so hard to get rid of. 

    There are some things that I want to be able to do so badly, that I do try my best to be comfortable with, but that I can't do. I know it's bad to say things like "I can't". It's something I'm annoyed by when others say.. but I feel like there's a difference when you're obviously trying so hard and already not in your comfort zone. I know I'm overthinking, I know it's not a big deal, and I know I'll be okay... but I still feel stuck. 

    I have been getting better. I notice it in a lot of things I can do now. I'm always doing my best to be a more outgoing, positive, and fun person to be around. In other words, I do not feel defined by my problems. I just have my days where I just want for them to go away quicker than they are. 

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