Sunday, November 8, 2020

Assignment 10 (option 3)- Sara Anderlich

It was a dark and dreary night, not so long ago. I had just stopped playing Minecraft around two in the morning. All of the lights throughout the house were off, and I realized that I needed to go to the bathroom. I heard the rain falling steadily against my window and knew it was inevitable that I would have to get up. Slowly, and as quietly as I could, I shut my computer and removed my comforter from around my body. 

I sighed deeply and thought, "This was the first step, I could do this". 

Though I wasn't so sure of myself. Shaking, I sat up and let my right foot fall to the ground. Nothing happened. I now let my left foot touch the ground. Nothing happe--- Suddenly I heard the crash of thunder around me!

Jumping, I almost screamed, but caught myself. 

"I could do this, " I thought, "I could do this." 

I slowly made my way to the door ignoring the moving shadows around my closet. "I just won't acknowledge them," I said to myself, "It will be fine". 

And there I was, I had made it to my door.


Coming back, I knew I would have to do it again. Not wanting to be in the dark longer than I had to, I took small steps, trying to avoid the cracks on the floor. 

It was going well, but half way back to my bed, I heard another crash of thunder. My window rattled until it opened and my curtains pulled at themselves, casting shadows on the wall. I was fraught with peril as the chill night air surrounded me, pulling at the air in my lungs. I couldn't breathe. 

Closing my eyes, I did my best to remain calm, but knew I would have to make the trek to close my window before making my way back to my bed. I tiptoed over there as softly as I could, trying to ignore the whistle of the wind. It was a loud and painful ringing in my ears, the shutters banging against the stone wall in the background. Then I had done it. I had reached the window. With my arms outstretched, I pulled the window shut, closing the latch. But, I couldn't be slow this time. After shutting the window, I bolted back to my bed, maybe touching the floor 3 times, jumped under the covers, and hid my entire body. My blanket was wrapped under my feet, up to my head which was huddled close to the rest of my body. 

I took a deep breath. I had walked from the door to my bed in the dark. I had made it. I was safe. 

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