Saturday, November 7, 2020

Assignment 9- Koen

     One issue that really bothers me is the way our education principles are taught. From a young age, students have to learn how important academics are in life as they are either placed in gt programs or not. Even in elementary school, academics prove to middle schools if the students are worthy enough for their program. This principle goes on to middle school and then, the students need to do all they can to get in to a high school program. The cycle of working to please a program goes on to high school and well into college. 18 years of this system of working for someone else instead on oneself makes their efforts somewhat meaningless. It is rubbish to say that this principle is evil since it has fostered an age of brilliant minds in the modern world. But it is dishonest to say that it will always create positive results. Students that aren't motivated and are told what to do to impress a school will not find their passion. Always doing studying for tests and doing activities that colleges like to see will make the person live a false life. The system's main flaw is this, colleges should not only be looking for academics and "worthy" extracurriculars, but they should be having one on one interviews which students to actually know them. Many students can have the best grades and extracurriculars but when it comes to interacting with people, they have little to no experience. In a future where human interaction will become vital after coming back from the pandemic, this system of spending more time on a list rather than understanding yourself will become affect many students that will not know what to do for work.

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