Friday, December 18, 2020

Rukavina- assignment 16


    Guggenheim, Davis, et al. Waiting for "Superman". Paramount Vantage, 2010. 

    This documentary focuses on Geoffrey Canada as he tells his story as an educator. Throughout this film, the reasons for teacher evaluation reform can be seen as the documentary shows how teachers can easily gain tenure and have difficulty getting fired through the following of several students through their school year. Furthermore, the consequences delt to the teachers who do not perform their job correctly shows to have an effect on the children in their school environment. Michelle Ree is another person this documentary focuses on as she is the former chancellor of the Washington, D.C. public schools. Finally, the documentary takes a look at state, private, and charter schools and follows families as they enter into lotteries in order to gain a spot in a charter school. This film also goes into how schools differ when it comes to whether they’re in places poverty or wealth. Furthermore, this documentary has been reviewed by the New York Post and USA Today and has been described as  “ invaluable addition to the debate...” by the Wall Street Journal. Overall, this documentary gives an inside perspective of how ineffective teaching can affect students and what the public schools are doing to stop this.

Griffith, David, et al. “Undue Process: Why Bad Teachers in Twenty-Five Diverse Districts Rarely Get Fired.” Thomas B. Fordham Institute, Thomas B. Fordham Institute, 1 Dec. 2016. EBSCOhost,


    This study done by the Thomas B. Fordham Institute goes in depth into how the school system allows for low performing teachers to keep their jobs for several years.  They did this by ranking 25 districts on a scale of 1 to10 how difficult it was for that particular area to fire a low performing teacher. They acquired these rankings by looking at if tenure allowed for the teacher to stay in their job, how long the process of firing them would take, and how easy it would be for the teacher to overcome the threat of their dismissal. This academic journal is extremely helpful in providing an insight on what schools are currently doing about ineffective teachers and if these methods are working. This article is also very well researched as they used information from the National Council on Teacher Quality and the Education Commission of the States in order to come up with an appropriate method to rank these districts.
Jacobs, Sandi. “Improve Tenure with Better Measures of Teacher Effectiveness.” Phi Delta Kappan, vol. 97, no. 6, Mar. 2016, pp. 33–37. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1177/0031721716636870. 

    This periodical discusses the current events revolving around tenure during 2014 such as the Vergara v California lawsuit that debated over teacher tenure and its policies. Furthermore, it goes on to state that the main idea this periodical will be looking at is how states can make sure they are making good tenure decisions when it comes to good and ineffective teachers. The author points out the use of teacher evaluation to determine their effectiveness, the ability to consistently evaluate teachers, and how well teachers are helping their students further academically are essential in the tenure process and that the teachers who score high in these evaluations should be awarded with it. This article is helpful due to it  providing insight on the current events revolving around tenure and is very credible due to the author, Sandi Jacobs, working in the U.S. Department of Education before joining the National Council on Teacher Quality and holding a master’s degree from Columbia University in education.

Chetty, Raj, et al. “The Long-Term Impacts of Teachers: Teacher Value-Added and Student Outcomes in Adulthood.” NBER, 22 Dec. 2011, 

    This article was mainly written by Raj Chetty who is very credible source due to him not only being a graduate of Harvard but from his many awards in economics. Chetty has been involved in the debate over tenure since he testified at the Vergara v California court case where he spoke on his findings in this article. The main idea of his article was to question the wide held belief that a teacher’s qualifications should be based on average test scores of their students. He concluded that this data only tells us about the long term impact of the teacher’s teaching method on the students and can lead to teachers cheating. He also looks into the economical side of this and provides statistics that show the difference in future salaries of a student who has a high value-added score vs a student who has an ineffective teacher. Thus this article is helpful in providing evidence for the negative effects that the tenure process is having on students today.

Snyder, Richard R. “Resistance to Change among Veteran Teachers: Providing Voice for More Effective Engagement.” International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation, vol. 12, no. 1, Jan. 2017. EBSCOhost,,cpid,url&custid=s1176192&db=eric&AN=EJ1145464.

    This academic journal is written by Richard Snyder who is the Assistant Professor of Education at Wartburg College and the purpose of it was for it to be presented to the National Council of Professors of Educational Administrators in Washington, D.C. Throughout this piece Snyder addresses his concern for the implementation of new changes in education. He states that the main problem is the resistance to change from many veteran teachers. He looks into the many reasons why veteran teachers might feel this way in order to give them a voice in their argument. He especially looks at how income, power, and prestige has allowed for these teachers to feel this way and why they are trying to protect that current rules they currently follow. This journal is helpful in that it gives a new perspective on veteran teachers and also provides evidence for another consequence that tenure allows the school system to endure.

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