Outstanding! This movie follows Joe Gardner, a middle school band director, who has a dream to play in a real jazz band. After finally making his first gig, he is overjoyed! Maybe even too much so...
Within the first 10 minutes of the movie you will have felt nearly every emotion from happiness to frustration to sadness... and it leaves you in a place of, "Where is this going?" But it's 110% worth it. You get to see Joe Gardner's soul, for who he really is, and even get to watch him grow alongside the life (or before-life) of a very special, and unlikely, friend. In attempts to avoid falling into the "Beyond", the two journey into all parts of the physical and mental being where they learn about each other's "sparks".
Overall, it is a fantastic and imaginative movie, with outstanding world building, that teaches you the importance of appreciating all aspects of life. It is a story that everybody will love!
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