Sunday, March 28, 2021

Assignment 22 Garrett Peavler

    The idea of a shortened weekend is something that many people would have a hard time grappling with. But for me, it is something that is commonplace. Something that I don't even consider as a negative thing because for as long as I can remember, weekends have always been reserved for family. Every single weekend I go to both of my grandparents' house and spend the whole day there. Fridays I go to my Mom's parents' house; Sundays I go to my Dad's parents' house. The only reason I ever miss it is if I have something else going on, so even then my weekend still isn't free. The only day that is free is Saturday, but on Saturday I have to try and get as much of my homework done as possible so I don't have to do it while I'm there (obviously, the existence of this very blog post is proof that this is not always a working system). Now, after all that I have said, you might be beginning to think that I harbor some kind of resentment to this shortening of the weekend, but the truth is I don't care at all. I've been doing this my entire life, and it has taught me a valuable lesson that will forever impact the way I see the world. That lesson is that time spent with the people you care about is much more valuable than time spent with yourself, and while that might sound like the end to a PIXAR movie, I could not think of a string of words that rings more true in my own life. Giving up my weekend to be with my family has shown me the importance of family and it has taught me how to deal with having less time; for work and for myself, and I really don't think I would change a single thing.

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