Monday, April 5, 2021

Assignment 21 - Ethan Scutchfield

 For over a year, the obstacle of online learning has been a huge issue for me.  I was able to coast pretty easily during the non-pandemic high school years, but when everything went online, it was hard to focus for hours a day to an online platform.  Add to that issue, I have five AP classes this year, including Physics and Calculus.

My first reaction was to completely shut down.  I don't like busy work and I felt like I wasn't really learning. All the classes had me completing assignments outside of class time and I didn't feel like it was really helping my education.

I am still struggling, but I am trying to get things turned in on time (or close to on time).  I am slowly getting caught up on assignments that I have let fall between the cracks.  I have learned that I need to be face to face with my instructors.  While looking at colleges, it has also made me realize I need to go to a smaller school and not one with 400 person lectures.

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Assignment 26 - Grace Barnett

 One suggestion that I have for future classes is that you should maybe spend more time practicing each essay that is on the exam. I know re...