Sunday, May 2, 2021

Assignment 24-Zent

Junior year was unlike any other year I have ever had and I probably (hopefully) will never have another year like it again. It wasn't all bad but more like the highs were highs and the lows were really low. When we were online, I loved the getting up at 9 am and being done by 12 thing. It made me really manage my time and allowed for me to be able to babysit. I am so glad were are back in person though. The first weeks were a bit of a reality shock because I hadn't been around that many people in a year and I wasn't used to a normal classroom setting. But, getting to do some semi-normal school things and being able to see my friends has been great. Overall by no means would I want to repeat this year but I feel like I made the best out of the situations we were all put in. 

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Assignment 26 - Grace Barnett

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