Saturday, September 26, 2020

Assignment 4 - Palmer Lee

There have been a number of times where I’ve questioned a belief. For example, up until about 7th grade, I thought I believed in the Christian God. It wasn’t until I started the confirmation process at my church that I started to question this. By the end of the year, I had pretty much determined that I didn’t really believe in God as he was portrayed in the Christian faith. I did still end up getting confirmed, and am a member of the church, but it was mostly because my mom peer pressured me into it. Another time I’ve questioned a belief was my sexual orientation. I thought I was straight until, again, about 7th grade, when I realized that I could be bisexual. Then I thought I was pansexual, then asexual, and now I’m fairly confident that I’m lesbian. But, I still don’t know for sure, and by next year I may have found a different label for myself.

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Assignment 26 - Grace Barnett

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