Saturday, September 26, 2020

Assignment 4- Church

 Something that my parents taught me that my view points have changed on is self care. I don't think my parents meant for this to be taught to me, but growing up in a family where my parents are always stressed and working and never taking time for themselves, taught me to do the same. I use to find myself struggling between three sports and school and never was taking time for myself. This caused a diminished mental health and a terrible personality. However as I've gotten older and starting working while doing school, I've realized the importance of taking a break from work or school and giving yourself days to relax. In all honestly I feel like this actually makes you more productive when you go back to work.  All though these breaks could be as easy as a couple hours to yourself or even a few days off. It doesn't have to be going on vacation, it can merely be the idea of not doing school or worrying about school.

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Assignment 26 - Grace Barnett

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