Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Ben Belin -assignment 1

 My name is Ben Belin. My academic goal is to not get any zeros this year, and my personal goal is to get my drivers license (I only have 5 hours right now).

Alright time for some fun facts about me. First, I can move my ears. This technique requires years of training in the mountains and only few can master it. Luckily for me I was skilled enough. Second, mints make me sneeze. I don't really understand why this happens its not like I'm allergic, but whenever I have a extremely minty piece of gum I always sneeze. Ok I just looked this up and apparently its because the mint is overloading my senses, and this is why some people sneeze when they are exposed to a bright light. I don't have something that really "geeks me out" but I do like fishing, and am trying to learn to skateboard (I'm wearing a splint right now because of the latter).

My favorite website would have to be https://cat-bounce.com because it lets you throw kittens around a screen and watch them bounce off walls. Here is a sad cat if you're feeling down.

Crying Cat | Know Your Meme

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