Saturday, September 5, 2020

Sara Anderlich- Assignment 1

Hello! My name is Sara Anderlich and my life has been a roller-coaster of events. I love music, band, Legend of Zelda, watercolors, and writing. I would say that I'm a people person, but I also appreciate the time that I can get alone, sometimes it just feels like there may be too much of that. Band is my social life, and I love it more than anything. It has given me so much to live for, and the memories that I've created, especially with marching band, have been incredible. It's sad that it wont be the same this year, but I'm hoping to have it back senior year. My goal this year is to make the most of what I've been given. I know it's going to be really hard for me mentally, but I want to grow as a person and learn to motivate myself without having to have external encouragement. Anyways, something that means a lot to me is when people take the time to get to know one another. I know that's super hard right now, but thank you, Mr. Logsdon, for really making an effort to know a little bit about each of us. I think that's super important, especially with this Corona-staycation. I know mine has been a bit lonely. I did get to read a lot, which was nice. I had a collection of unread books in my room and I think I finally made a dent in them. As an entire life thing though, Legend of Zelda has been the game that I have played more than any other. I only have a Wii, so I've only been into 2 of the games, but the number of hours I have spent in-game or looking into different theories is scarily high. Not to mention that I've seen complete playthroughs of the games that I don't own. Twilight Princess is by far my favorite. I've played it through 4 or 5 times and I love everything about it. It's amazing.

 More recently, I've been spending a lot of time on World of Warcraft Classic (a computer game) This is the link to it:

here is me in my happy place :)

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