Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Emma Snyder- Assignment 2

I’d like to pretend this isn’t true but I’m not gonna lie, I don’t think I’ve read any books in the past year which I know sounds really bad but hear me out. Last year we took seminar as an English class, and that didn’t require us to read any actual books so I think that was the main reason I haven’t read much recently because nothing was forcing me to, and I was busy with so much other school work that I didn’t make time for it. I think the last actual book I read was To Kill a Mocking Bird at the end of my ninth grade year, which I actually really enjoyed. Now that I’m thinking about it, Duncan actually got me a book I’d wanted called Penpal last year that I did start briefly but never finished it. I’d heard it as an audio book before so I already knew the story but I just never made time to read it again. I have had to read though. I’ve done theatre and we do read through dog scripts and you know I like to annotate them and stuff and make notes for myself so I don’t know if that counts but it’s some reading I’ve done. Of course also in seminar we had to read and annotate many texts, some of which were easier to get through than others. I also had to read our world history textbook and take notes on almost every chapter and it could be a little dense at time. I guess I just haven’t done much reading recently and I’m actually glad that I’m thinking about it because now maybe I can make a more conscious effort on trying to read more. School assigned reading I really dislike though usually. I typically don’t really like reading unless it’s a genre I enjoy (horror and historical fiction oddly enough because I do not like history) but I’ll definitely try to read more and make more time for that after realizing it’s been awhile since I’ve actually read a book.

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