Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Rukavina- Assignment 8

Fears- sharks, shots
Annoyances- when my dogs won't stop barking, having to wait a really long time in line
Accomplishments- being able to finish an entire pizza
Confusions- what atoms and molecules (chemistry stuff) actually look like
Sorrows- Bridge to Terabithia (that movie ruined me)
Dreams- end up with a job that I love and still makes good money
Idiosyncrasies- will over talk when I'm in a good mood, have attempted over the years to do the confusing one eyebrow lift face
Risks- my sister and I sneaking into the football stadium they filmed FNL
Beloved Possessions, Now and Then- barbies (then), all my fuzzy blankets (now)
Problems- time management 

My answer to the risks topic of the list above starts when my mom, sister, and I went to visit my brother while he was at college for Spring Break. That year Friday Night Lights was still a relatively new show and was really popular among a lot of people. Well, my sister and everyone she knew would wait every week for the next episode to come out and were obsessed with this show. So when my sister found out we were going to Texas for Spring Break, she was very excited because they filmed the show at different places around Austin. After we had been there a couple days my sister drove us out to this stadium where they filmed all the football scenes for FNL, after we somehow got passed a chain that she forced me to get out of the car and somehow unlock we made it onto the field of the stadium. What we did not know before this unfortunate situation is that apparently that particular football stadium had a very good high school football team that was very competitive with the other high schools around them and that there were several instances where teams would steal the others game plan before the big games. So while my sister and I are out on this field taking pictures, the entire football team and staff comes out and sees us and then starts to run towards us. At first we were confused because by this time were in the stands and we thought that visitors were welcome, then we hear the extravagant curse words coming from the team and the security guards running towards us. At this point my sister just looks at me deadpanned and says "run" and we bolted all the way back to car. As we were leaving we had about 50 people running behind us and yelling at us to never come back and asking how we got back here. In conclusion, do not go to a different state and break into their football stadium because it will highly offend them and all of their security workers. 

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