Sunday, November 1, 2020

Aiden Beach-Blogpost 8

Fears: Spiders and heights.

Annoyances: Anything related to politics and Sara reading my blogposts.

Accomplishments: I almost got first place in a sailing race when I’ve had around 3-4 years less experience than all the other members.

Confusions: Same as annoyances, anything related to politics.

Sorrows: Everything I touch breaks within a year.

Dreams: To either find a new underwater species or become a top programmer for a massive company.

Idiosyncrasies: I like almost anything related to coding or repairing/building the hardware of a computer.

Risks: I’m a big teary baby boy, so I can’t think of anything risky I’ve done.

Beloved Possessions: A blue teddy bear I named Teddy, and for some reason, when I was five, I decided it was female.

Problems: I’m very stubborn, and keep trying at something even if I know it isn’t possible at that point and would be extremely easier if I waited until later to try again.

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