Sunday, November 1, 2020

Assignment 7 Garrett Peavler

            I am somewhat indifferent in my opinion of college, I get that I should go so that I am able to get a decent job, but I have no strong opinions about the concept. Yeah, I will probably go. But I don't expect much more from it other than the core concepts that I need to operate in the career path that I choose. And so far I have absolutely no idea what career path that will be. I've thought about it, but I can't come up with anything substantial. The idea of deciding a career path that will ultimately decide what I do with the rest of my life is just too daunting, I don't like the idea that I will be stuck to the same path once I'm on it. 

Where the importance of college is concerned, I believe that it is based on the individual. If someone possesses great skill in carpentry and wishes to be a carpenter, then they will be a carpenter. No college required. I, however, possess no skills that would lend themselves to a career, so if I intend to pad the road to my death bed, I believe college is in order. But which college? No clue. I hear so many people (most of whom are much more put together than I will ever be) talk about what college they want to go to, and I have no idea how they figured it out. I mean, if my perfect college did exist would I even know? Probably not, seeing as I don't know what career I'm going into. Honestly, thinking about which college to go to is pretty useless until I figure out what I'm doing, so I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

            What I'm trying to get at is that I don't know what I'm doing, and probably won’t until I get out of high school.

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