Sunday, November 15, 2020

Assignment 11- Katie Taylor

Essay Prompt 1

"I scream, you scream, We all scream for ice cream." 

    Why are we screaming? This saying is most commonly interpreted that the people in this rhetorical situation have already been promised ice cream. So what's the point of screaming if you've already earned your ice cream? I suppose expressing one's excitement is natural when a gift such as ice cream comes your way, but no matter where you are financially, ice cream is quite common. It's not like you've just been accepted into your dream college, or your true love proposed! Why waste your screams on something as simple as a type of food? Plus, it's not like ice cream is that great for you, either. 

    Or perhaps the people in this situation are trying to earn their ice cream. Maybe the one with the loudest scream earns the ice cream! Although this age-old saying could just be interpreted as just a fun thing to say, it just does not make any logical sense!

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