Wednesday, November 4, 2020

assignment 2- Ezekiel

 I have the long term memory of a flashlight and so i am unable to remember anything that i did more than 5 months ago and so i will only be writing about books i have read since then. Due to being stuck at home for almost the entirety of the last 8 months i have been pretty bored and this has led to me rereading a fair amount of books, now generally i refuse to reread books simply because it is much less exciting, however there is only a certain amount of boredom that i can handle and so, regretfully, i broke my no rereading policy. I reread a bunch of books that i enjoyed when i was younger such as the Percy Jackson books, Harry Potter, and the Eragon series. While i still found them fairly enjoyable they seemed much less interesting than they initially were, which is almost definitely because i already knew what would happen next and so there being a lack of suspense, however i am going to say that the entire reason i enjoyed them less was because i have greatly matured and gained exposure to more well-written material and so it was just too trivial for me. I also read the throne of glass series because my older sister wanted me to and I was trying my hardest to do what she wanted as she was about to go off to college, and despite reading it mostly to please her i found that i greatly enjoyed it although i'm not entirely sure why. The book that has made me think the most and challenged my way of thinking, I am unable to remember the title of which is a bit unfortunate. It was very interesting because it claimed that there is a sort of formless substance that you can make into whatever form you want it to be through the power of thought, which sounds a bit like magic, but i think that this was meant to symbolize opportunity and that if you want something and are willing to work for it there will always be an opportunity for it to happen, and that all you have to take advantage of that opportunity. It also argues that being rich is the goal of life as it allows for more opportunities to do what you want. The ideas discussed in this book both seem completely absurd and at the same time make a large amount of sense, which is confusing and so has been one of the many things bouncing around my brain the last couple of months. Another interesting book is the Scythe series, it is based in futuristic world where AI was created and made everyone immortal and so the scythes have to kill people to keep the population under control, the entire series is about the morality of their killing methods which sounds a bit boring but is actually very interesting and has made me think a fair amount as well. One of the most recent books that i have read has been the wolf of wall street which is an autobiography of Jordan Belfort, while i expected the book to focus more on how he built his business it actually started at the height of his business and was about how his business was brought down and the aftermath of that. So while it wasn't what I thought it would be it was still extremely entertaining and has given me a lot to think about, as he seems to both regret that he was brought down and regrets all that he did before he was brought down, he writes in such a manner that despite him saying the opposite and there being nothing in his actions that indicates it  you see him as being in the right. I often found as i was reading it that i was comparing myself to him and feeling inexplicably similar to him despite a huge amount of differences. I have read many other books in the past couple of months however most of them were obviously not very memorable as i can't remember anything about them.

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