Monday, November 2, 2020

Assignment 8- Eleanor Badgett

 Fears: Black Widows, people watching me without me being able to see them 
Annoyances: when my little sister puts her dished by the sink instead of inside it or the dishwasher like everyone else 
Accomplishments: being the tallest in my family
Confusions: why they design iPhones to be so fragile 
Sorrows: not being able to really go anywhere
Dreams: to do something to help others, run a marathon, baked Alaska  
Idiosyncrasies: being the tallest in my family
Risks: being the tallest in. my family. 
Beloved Possessions: my old phone 
Problems: procrastination 

I've never been the person with the newest phone, but I like it that way. When I received my gold iPhone 6s, the Christmas of my seventh grade year I was over the moon. It was quite the up grade from my dads old iPhone 4s which I was grateful for, but couldn't really use to do the things I needed it to. My friends had all received this exact gift the Christmas before, and while I never directly asked for it, my older sister's non stop begging and pleading had paid off for me too. This phone wasn't a beloved possession of mine because of what it did, I loved it so much for how trustworthy it was. That phone held up and worked for me until our last days together this summer when my dad convinced me to pass it on to my little sister in exchange for a new one. While I was excited to get a phone that could update past iOS 9.8, getting a new phone really made me miss my old one. We had been through four and a half years of life together. I got the iPhone SE, as it was the most similar to the 6s and still had a home button, but it just isn't the same. My old phone was invincible, it had been dropped, drop kicked, dropped in a toilet, and chucked across many classrooms, without a case. Zero Damage. Not even two months after getting my new phone it was already cracked (granted, I didn't have a case on it). Additionally, the radiant beauty of the iPhone 6s' gold shimmer puts the iPhone SE's boring black finish to shame. Moral of the story, I want my old phone back.

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