Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Assignment 10- David Butler

 I personally love this prompt because I am a zombie fanatic. I've seen just about every zombie movie and tv show since 1950 and I've even written multiple books on the subject, in varying length. I've also made several zombie short films with my friends and am currently writing a realistic zombie novel as well. So i've thought about this a lot. 

Your best chance at survival is getting or creating a self-sustainable food and water source because without this zombies are not your biggest problem. Now, this seems complicated but it's really not, all you need is flat roof access, like an apartment building, and the materials for a garden. If you still have time before the shit hits the fan, don't go to the grocery or bank because everyone will be flocking there, prime opportunity to get trapped. Instead head to a small, local florist or gardening store(not a big one like home depot because those will be packed as well), and get lots of perennial fruits and veggies(plants that come back year after year). Also get lots of seed packets for backup or extra food. If you have time then get dirt and fertilizer but this can wait till later, it would just be more dangerous later. Now get home and get everything you need, pack as light as possible, no more than a shopping cart. Make sure to get a tarp, lots of bowls, and cups, along with one weapon. Get to the closest apartment or otherwise square roofed building and get to the roof. One you have all your stuff up there you will need to find as many things as possible around you to throw down the stairs to block it, cabinets are ideal. You will later work your way down a floor or two in this building to have a roof to live in but for now just take out all you things and start setting up your garden and lay out bowls for rain water, you can make a filter later. 

Now you're all set as long as you don't do something stupid like going exploring.

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