Sunday, December 13, 2020

Assignment 10- Will Stone

 There are so many things in the world that can terrify a person.  Many people are afraid of spiders, snakes, ghosts, heights, and flying.  While all of these things are scary, the thing that gives me the most anxiety is timed writing. I guess you could say that I would rather face a snake in the woods than have to write a paper with a time limit.

Writing is something that I struggle with because I cannot seem to get my thoughts and ideas down on paper.  It’s like they don’t flow from my head to my hands. It takes me a lot of time to write these small prompts, so for me to have to write a paper within a short time frame is just terrifying. When a teacher announces that we have to write an essay, my heart pounds, my hands sweat, and I cannot process any normal thought. I guess I go into flight or fight mode.  That makes it worse because adrenaline keeps me from focusing, and I can’t get anything done. 

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