Sunday, December 13, 2020

Assignment 10

If zombies Attacked I honestly would not live that long, I am not much of a fighter, I am what they call a quitter (If you get the memo). But, if I had to survive maybe to protect someone else or to save someone, or just some kind of purpose like they do in the T.V. shows my first plan of action would be to collect supplies. 1 would need lots of weapons, I presume I would be stuck in my house with not much as my parents don't own any guns. I would probably head over to some of my neighbors as I know they wield some guns and weapons, probably take a knife or a baseball bat with me while I head over there. Once I get weapons I would probably go to the nearby Kroger or some store, maybe Palomar and try to get as much food and supplies. Try to collect as much gas as I can and try to bunker down at home. This probably wouldn't last long as we have large windows and Beaumont is a pretty dense area. I probably would end up having to flee the city. I would probably flee west to the plains, somewhere where you can see far without much wooded areas hiding who knows what kinds of zombies. There I would try to find a good food and water source, maybe set up camp, and get a watch tower where I can have a good lookout for possible hordes. I might make friends along the way, maybe my family survives with me, honestly they'd all probably die, I'd probably be dead by now too, if I'm not I probably would be alone too. I would try to get more gas and supplies and head out to the rocky mountains. Hopefully I will find an area out in the Rockies or past the Rockies where there is fairly fertile, hopefully a rocky terrain and have fairly cold winters to slow down zombies. Maybe I can find a near by hydroelectric dam that can I can hook up my base of actions to create maybe electric fences and give me some of the comforts of the old world, but in all honesty I would've never made it this far. 

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