Sunday, December 13, 2020

Assignment 11- Eleanor Badgett

 The story of a street

When I was younger I lived in a small town called Kensington, Maryland, on its longest street Ambler Drive. I would say Ambler Drive and its memories hold one of the bigger pieces of my heart. Kensington was a small town where most people knew most people and almost every family had kids. This lead to tons and tons of friends right nearby. Right next door lived Ryan and Sean. Two doors down from them lived Miles. Beppy, Ryan, Miles, and I played outside almost every single day as long as we lived there. Some of my favorite memories with this group were: building a swing out of a single piece of rope and a towel out of the tree in the front yard, attempting to dig to China, starting a worm farm, and setting a boogie trap for the raccoons that lived unrightfully underneath out deck. We were also occasionally accompanied by the countless other kids on the street on a rotating cycle. This larger group was often found at the pool which backed un directly to out backyard fences. 

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