Sunday, December 13, 2020

Assignment 11 - Jimmy Chen

What can actually be divided by zero?

In math class we learn that nothing can be divided by Zero, some of us learn in our math class that as the denominator reaches zero the number climbs further and further and further, steeper and steeper, until it approaches infinity. But when that number is divided by zero, it doesn't exist. So what does that mean? Is this a number that so large and unfathomable that it is larger than infinity, a whole new construct that is beyond our human understanding? Or is it just a weapon of mass destruction only there to wreak havoc on your math problems, perhaps an early warning that you did the problem wrong? An optimist would like to believe the first, but I, a pessimist would like the believe the latter. I believe that dividing by zero can only lead to chaos. I believe that when you divide by zero a disaster will happen. It is like detonating an atom bomb, causes quick chain reactions causing a quick buildup to the point of no return, when divided by zero a quick and blinding blast covers the area quickly reducing it to radioactive ash.

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