Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Assignment 12 - Ethan Scutchfield

Since I have attended Duke TiP Camp over the last several years, I have been asked this question multiple times.  I guess they tried to find compatible students to room together.  When I have answered this question in the past, we had multiple choice to describe ourselves which doesn't really give you an accurate picture of who you are as a human being.

The reality is I am a loner.  If someone shares the same interests as me, I can talk about those topics for hours, but otherwise, leave me alone.  I am an introvert.  I spend a lot of time watching YouTube videos regarding things I am interested in.  I am neither messy nor clean.  My room doesn't have much stuff and you can see the floor (unlike my sister's room).  I don't care what clothes I wear, so I won't have a lot of things in my closet.  I typically wear shorts (or sweatpants) and tshirts (or sweatshirts), depending on the weather.  I do spend time with my friends playing either video games or Dungeons and Dragons and all of that is virtual right now. I can be loud when I am doing either of those things.  Probably the biggest issue a room-mate would have with me is the accumulation of empty drink cans in my room.  

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Assignment 26 - Grace Barnett

 One suggestion that I have for future classes is that you should maybe spend more time practicing each essay that is on the exam. I know re...