Thursday, December 3, 2020

Assignment 14- Sara Anderlich

 (option 1)

    For me, Thanksgiving looks like 50 people crowded in my grandparent's dining room. The entire room is a table and everyone is squeezed around it with plates full of food. I would say that it pretty typical, but it's really fun because it's not just my direct family. I have my grandparent's siblings and their kids, and their kids, and their cousins. It's a lot of people and I feel like each year I meet 5 or 6 new people, especially last year. Last year was probably the biggest Thanksgiving that we had ever had. To be fair though, it was also very close to my grandparent's 50th wedding anniversary, so we had that too. 

    I really do love Thanksgiving. Even if I don't feel the closest to the unfamiliar adults in my family (especially since my aunt divorced one of my favorite Uncles... it's sad, but I understand), I LOVE seeing my cousins, and second cousins, and second cousins, once removed, and all that jazz. It's just a lot of fun. I'm pretty much the oldest in my direct family too. At least for my generation. I do have a few cousins close/slightly older than me, but everyone else is much much younger, which I really enjoy. We play hide and seek (I'm too good at this game), tickle monster, tag, dark hide and seek (I take off my glasses and try to find them in the dark), and random board games. 

    This is the only time that I get to see most of these relatives, so I try to make the most of it. As a favorite memory- and I'm not sure why this comes to mind- but I accidently slammed a chair into my grandfather's foot. This was 4 or 5 years ago, but I remember him cursing and being very scared. That was not very fun.... But, I enjoy laughing at it now. Especially good memories? Probably just playing board games with people. We'll play Dominion (which is AMAZING), Settlers of Catan, Monopoly, Chess, Boggle.. Even going into the next day. I'll sleep over for a couple nights and there's always something to do. Thanksgiving isn't just one day. It's the entire week. 

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