Saturday, December 5, 2020

Rukavina- assignment 14

 I know I’m about to make a lot of people cry when I say that I despise Thanksgiving. Maybe despise is a bit of a strong word but I have never understood why people love the holiday so much. To me it’s always seemed like a roadblock to Christmas. It also was the reason why we could never get out the Christmas tree or put up the decorations yet. I also am a really picky eater so I essentially have spent the last 17 years eating rolls and mac and cheese for Thanksgiving. Which I mean isn't a bad time but Christmas is just more fun. For my usual Thanksgiving my family celebrates with my cousins who live close to us but this year it was just my family. There also is usually a lot more food but since it was just five of us this year we cut down on all the sizes of the food. Don’t worry though even with just the five of us we found something to argue about! Mainly it was just my sister and I arguing but that besides the point. I was very happy to see the holiday come to an end and I am ready for my Christmas tree to be up!

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Assignment 26 - Grace Barnett

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