Sunday, February 14, 2021

Assignment 17 - Jimmy Chen

 Over the break I had the opportunity to watch the new Wonder Woman, this was before I knew about all the criticisms about the movie. That I had found out when I was googling the movie after I watched it. I had really liked the first movie and found it to be very enjoyable to watch, though I don't think I could say the same for this movie. Although the movie was very entertaining and was very action packed, it somehow not fulfilling to watch. Granted I did watch this movie at my friends house at 1 in the morning laying on an air mattress, but from what I recollect, the plot was kind of difficult to follow and I was a little confused the whole time. It did have its moments in some scenes but when looking at the story as a whole I still am a little confused about a lot of the details. There was also a scene were she did some monologuing and I did not really like that. Although it provided some context I feel that it could've been introduced in some different format, not a monologue. That stuff is for cliché bad guys not the protagonist of a superhero movie. Speaking of bad guys, I did not thing the antagonist was very well developed or that strong or compelling of an antagonist. Up until that ending point I would've given it maybe like a 6 or 7 but the ending with that cliché Christmas scene and that monologue drops it to a 5/10.

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Assignment 26 - Grace Barnett

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