Friday, May 14, 2021

Ghazzal Hammad - Assignment 26

     Reading through my peers' responses, I agree with a lot of their feedback. I found that the multiple timed writings we did were helpful, and I think it was good having class discussions about them (even though some people were a little too critical and others gave very vague feedback). 

    However, I do wish we did more multiple choice tests. My laptop died during the first one we did and my College Board app had a network error midway through the most recent one. So, in retrospect, I got little experience and practice with the multiple choice tests. Since it is a pretty big portion of the AP test, I am a little worried for that.

    I also wish we did some one-on-one reviews with you. As Sara said, it was a little hard to do that considering this year's circumstances, but I feel like they would have been beneficial. Getting critiques and recommendations on my writing would've been very useful, especially coming from an actual AP Lang grader.

    The only other thing is I'm not sure how effective the Wednesday assignments were. I know lots of people enjoyed them, and I guarantee many benefitted from them in some shape or form. There were definitely a handful that I enjoyed too, but I personally didn't find them to be the most meaningful use of time. I do think they were a nice, though, because they shifted away from the regular curriculum for a day. 

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Assignment 26 - Grace Barnett

 One suggestion that I have for future classes is that you should maybe spend more time practicing each essay that is on the exam. I know re...