Thursday, November 19, 2020

Assignment 11 (Option 1)-Gaby Rondel

One of my favorite tongue twisters is actually one my mom used to say to us in Hebrew when we would pout or throw a fit. It wasn't until I learned what it means- and actually thought about what it means- that I understood why she would say it to us. It goes like this: Sara shara shir sameach shir sameach shara Sara (*note* ch=hard h sound that sounds like your gurgling air) It means Sara sings a happy song, a happy song sings Sara. When thought deeper into it- purely for this assignment of course- I created a reason in my mind for why my mom would say it to me and my sister. When you sing a happy song, a happy song will sing you right back. Now replace 'song' and 'sing' with a mood/emotion/thing. When you are happy or do a good thing, happy and good things will come right back at you. This actually makes me laugh a lot because it is such a Jewish thing and is the moral of basically every Jewish tale and proverb I have ever heard. 

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