Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Ghazzal Hammad - Assignment 12

 I'm not exactly sure what I would want my future college roommate to know about me. I think that, over time, they will learn most of the things that they need to know about me. There are a few things they should probably know about me, though.

First, I would want them to know that sometimes I get really frustrated with myself. It mainly happens when I'm doing schoolwork -- when I can't understand a concept, or I can't figure out the answer to a homework question, or if I do poorly on an assignment. I have high expectations for myself, and when I don't meet them, I just get really aggravated. While I can normally control it, sometimes I just get overly frustrated and I have to let it out. 

I think another important thing for them to know is that sometimes, I like having my space and privacy. Usually, I don't mind being social and talking, but every so often, I just like to be alone and in my own little bubble. This isn't something they should take personally; it's just a way for me to collect myself and calm down if I'm stressed or overwhelmed or upset. 

The last thing they should probably know about me is that I'm really organized and I really dislike when things are messy. I have a brother whose room is normally a little messy, but I am generally unbothered by it. However, if my room is messy, it will make me pretty irritated. Hopefully my roommate is decently organized and not super messy, otherwise we might butt heads about it.

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