Sunday, November 1, 2020

Assignment 6- Eleanor Badgett

 I really suck at algebra. I used to think I was just bad at math, but as I have moved higher and higher in my math education and learned more and more about how to apply it, I've realized I just really don't know how to do algebra. While I could easily blame this on my past teachers, I think its kinda my fault. I never really applied myself in my early math classes and would scrape just enough information together right before a test to pass. My older sister is very good at math which comes in handy when I need help. However, she is often shocked at how I've gotta so far in math knowing so little. For example, I didn't truly understand how to factor until very recently, and I'm still terrible at it. My extreme lack of algebraic abilities have become abundantly clear this year in Ms.Dewees class where I find my self completely understanding the aspects she teaches, but still getting things wrong on my test due to incorrect  algebra steps. 

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Assignment 26 - Grace Barnett

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