Sunday, December 13, 2020

Assignment 14- Ezekiel

 Thanksgiving for me is the one time every year that my dad's family gets together, we have a combined thanksgiving/ Christmas thing at either my grandparent's house or my uncle's. sadly I only have 3 cousins and so its not that exciting. Its nice to be able to talk to my cousins but I don't really like answering questions from my aunts and uncles as well as my grandparents. no matter how I answer I feel like I didn't say the right thing. Thanksgiving food is ok but none of it is exceptional except for pumpkin pie. overall thanksgiving gets a 6/10, seeing my family has its positives and negatives, the weather is generally pretty nice, and the food is above average. Thanksgiving is best enjoyed when being able to hear what everyone is talking about and play all the games, but only having to talk to the cousins that I like and my sister while avoiding most of the questions from the adults.

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