Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Blog Post #12

 I’m honestly really scared about finding a college roommate. I like to stick to certain routines and have a really particular way for doing things sometimes and I don’t know if everyone would be understanding. I’d probably have to start with saying I need things to be kept really clean. Like if you dirty dishes, you have to clean them. This ones a bit less serious and a bit more jokey but also I’d like my food to stay my food if possible. Again on a more serious note I also like to keep my bed really clean, so I don’t like anyone else to sit on it or anything without having showered and has on clean clothes that haven’t left the room. Also I’m very socially awkward. Meeting new people has always been a struggle and honestly I’m really scared that my roommate will be someone I don’t get along with but I’ll be too nervous to tell them that or what I need from them. It’s a long shot but I’m hoping one of the people I’m friends with now goes to college with me so that we can room together. That would probably be the best case scenario so that’s what I’m hoping for but if not I’m sure I’ll figure something out.

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