Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Blog Post #14- Emma Snyder

 Our family usually keeps it pretty simple for Thanksgiving. No one comes over and we don’t go anywhere. It’s just me, my sister, my mom, dad, and dog. My dad does all the cooking except for the pumpkin pie (which me and my mom always make) and he makes a lot of really good stuff even though I only eat half of the stuff he makes… I’m vegetarian so I stick to potatoes and Mac and cheese for the most part. I also like deviled eggs without the yellow stuff though. And stuffing. And corn. The rest I’m not really sure what it is… I never really ask because I don’t eat it. My dad is the only one that actually likes turkey so he just gets like a little bit for himself and also makes bacon for my sister. She only eats bacon and stuffing. She doesn’t even like my dad’s mac and cheese! It’s not even weird or anything just Mac and cheese and I don’t know why she doesn’t like it. She’s a pickier eater than me obviously. And then we always give our dog some special soft food that we mush up for her (it’s really gross but we’d do anything for her). We also usually have thanksgiving early because my mom typically works on Thursdays and can’t get out of it cause she’s a nurse and they need her at the hospital. Oh and we make punch! We just put ginger ale and sherbet together and then we spend the next few days eating leftovers, except for my sister of course who doesn’t touch any of the thanksgiving food after actual thanksgiving. Pretty standard stuff with the exception of my sister of course. She’s always being weird. 

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