Sunday, February 28, 2021

Assignment 20- Sara Anderlich

 How to create a character in World of Warcraft Classic! 

Ghazzal Hammad - Assignment 20

How To Upload An Assignment To Canvas - Tutorial 

Assignment 20 Jake Walters

Assignment 21: OB-STA-KELS – oh Brother Where art Thou (College app)

We love obstacles.  When other people are facing them that is.  But where and who would our heroes be if they didn’t face any obstacles.  The same can be said for us.  Our obstacles shape who we’ve become and who we are becoming.
The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?

Describe a problem you've solved or a problem you'd like to solve. It can be an intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma - anything that is of personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to identify a solution

Minimum of 150 words - due Sunday, March 11 at 11:59 pm

March 28 is the last day to make up blogs 20-22

Monday, February 22, 2021

Zent-Assignment 20

Friday, February 19, 2021

Assignment 20- Emma Snyder

This is basically a how to cooking video I made with my sister a couple years ago. It's from our YouTube channel called Into the Grape Vine (shameless self promo) so go check us out and subscribe, we're hilarious. 

Assignment 18- Emma Snyder

 These are three items on my bucket list before high school ends:

  1. Get good grades so I can get into a good college on a scholarship
  2. Figure out what profession I want to go into cause right now there are a lot of options
  3. Go on a family vacation to the beach, cause I’ve never been and if I’m not out of high school yet, my parents still have to pay for me...

Three items on my list before college ends:

  1. I wanna try and find a stable job sometime before undergrad so I can have money to pay for whatever is after undergrad
  2. Have a plan on where to find an actual job and where I’m going to live.
  3. I’m thinking about getting married between undergrad and the one after that (don’t remember what it’s called because I’m professional like that), depending on how things go but that’s the current plan even though yeah it’s far away judge me if you want.

Three things for life:

  1. Be happily married and have children (probably one maybe two) and some dogs
  2. Figure out how to be happy with life
  3. Get a good job and house so I can live comfortably and help support my family

I guess I’ll elaborate on the most important thing to me. It’s kind of mentioned a couple times but what I really want is a family. I love my boy friend and I love how happy he makes me and I wanna feel like that forever so I just wanna be with someone and be happy with them for the rest of my life. And then possibly have children but I really just wanna have someone to hug me and help me when I’m scared and someone to keep me from being lonely and that’s all that matters to me. You know being able to be independent would be nice but actually I don’t really care because I’m much happier with someone else. Yes I’m cheese I know.

Assignment 17- Emma Snyder

    I chose the director Taika Waititi to do this post about and watched the movies What We Do in the Shadows, and Hunt for the Wilder People. The first one is a mockumentary comedy about vampires and the second is another comedy about a “bad egg” that gets lost in the wilderness with his new foster dad.  The premise of both films are pretty different, but I think Waititi has a distinct style so you can still tell he directed both movies. I don’t know how to describe it but the comedy in his movies is really effective. The first time I watched both movies coincidentally, my parents had to force me into watching it with them and I came in determined not to enjoy the movies just to spite my parents, but by like five minutes in I was laughing my butt off. I don’t really know what else to say other than I know he directed Thor: Ragnorak or whatever it is and even though I really don’t like superhero movies, based on all the movies I’ve seen directed by Waititi and not just those two I think maybe I’ll give it a try. 

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Assignment 17-Duncan Wingfield, Option 2

 The Lighthouse is an absolutely wonderful movie. The atmosphere is so wonderfully built that I genuinely will not be able to look at lighthouses the same way again. The cinematography is so cool and distinct that throughout the movie I kind of stopped noticing that it was in black and white, which the movie being in black and white is a very interesting decision. While the movie definitely would have worked in color something about it being in black and white really helps it build the foreboding atmosphere. The lack of any calm blues takes all the comfort out of the seaside vistas, making it feel much more uneasy and isolated. What really makes it all work though is the fantastic performances from both Robert Pattinson and Willem Dafoe, the way you get a feel for the tension slowly rising and falling between them feels so real and they both completely sell their characters. I'd also like to give a special mention to the sound design. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Assignment 19 - Grace Barnett

A couple years ago, I had taken an important test and it was the first time that I had felt like I had completely bombed a test and I was so angry at myself. I got home and I was angry and disappointed in myself for the remainder of the day and that is when my parents pulled me over and told me frankly that there was nothing that I could do about it now and that it was pointless to stress about it. I know that does not sound like life-altering advice and it seems like common sense but it helps when I get worked up over the little things. I tend to worry a lot about the mistakes I have made in the past, and as minuscule as they might be, I still fret over their effects on me and I play the “What if?” game quite a lot. But their advice helps to center me and bring me back down from my anxiety and it just grounds me. 

Assignment 18 - Grace Barnett

  1. Go on a trip with one of my best friends before college starts, get into a good college, get good AP scores and a good ACT score

  2. Find a major that I am happy with, study abroad, and make good friends 

  3. Travel the world, learn at least 2 other languages, find a job that makes me happy in a profession that I am passionate about


  • Out of the 9 items on my bucket list, finding a job that makes me happy in a profession that I am passionate about is the most important item to me. Everything else on my bucket list is appealing and are things that I want but all of those other items are things that I could live without if it meant that I was happy in my life and with my job. I have this fear that I will go through life trying to meet everyone's expectations and settle for a decent job and then one day wake up when I am in my 30s and realize that I hate the life I am living. I want a career and job that brings me joy and I never want to settle for anything less just to appease others and their ideas of what my life should look like.

Assignment 17 - Grace Barnett

I recently sat down and watched the movie Knives Out. I had heard about all the hype from my friends and even my family members, so I decided to give it a try. I love to watch movies, I sway heavily towards movies rather than a show/series. Regardless, I have to say that the movie did not disappoint. First off, I thought that they had a fantastic cast and it was exciting to watch such great actors work together. It was fun to see James Bond with a southern accent as well. One thing that I really enjoyed was the color scheme of the movie, especially in the house which is another thing that I loved and it is now my dream home. It is definitely a movie that I would recommend to someone who likes the chase of a mystery but can also appreciate humor, I think Knives Out does well incorporating both of those things. Overall, I would rate this movie a solid 9.5/10.

Assignment 19-Aaron Falk

 I’ve always been a fan of the phrase,”You get what you work for”. There are some people that put in little to no effort and do nothing but complain when it comes back and affects them. This phrase has been the thing to model my work ethic as when my work affects others (work, or group project) then I put forth all my effort so those around me aren’t affected. Sometimes I don’t always apply this effort but this is only in the cases where it strictly only affects me (individual work). But this especially comes into play in the workplace as I really don't like to be around slackers in the workplace because that makes me do more work for the same pay. Therefore, I do my job 100% so nobody has to be the one picking up on my slack because i'm too lazy to do my own job.

Assignment 18- Aaron Falk


  1. Go to a Denzel Curry concert, Bring a group of friends (~10) to the lake house, and buy myself a car in full (completed)

  2. Leave the country, purchase an apartment, scuba dive

  3. Get a stable career, get a house, go to Japan

Out of all of these, purchasing an apartment is like the closest, but also most important one  for the reason that I know i’m gonna have to start off college in a dorm. However, as soon as I have a stable group  and income to get an apartment its gonna happen. This is because of my strong sense of independence and i'm just so restrained currently living in a family household. Of course im appreciative and love it right now, but as soon as I can get to college and appease this sense of independence I feel like ill thrive even more. Living my life with little children always around a break from that would really do me good. Plus I already spend most of my time outside of the house with work etc. So overall I am really excited to the chapter of my life where I get to move in with a friend and pay for my own rent.

Assignment 17-Aaron Falk

 The movie that I decided to watch was Blade Runner (1982) as I heard it is pretty important in order to watch 2049.Overall I was very impressed by most of the cinematography and for 1982 everything looked really good. However, I was really put off by just the general basis of the movie. I really did not like the villains as they were just disturbing people and their objective wasn’t really explained well. It was one of those movies where it seemed they threw you into this story expecting you to know all of the backstory and never taking time to explain it. The very few action scenes were stale and either very short or way too long for the result. The ending was very dry and it took too long to get to such a conclusion. Overall I appreciate it for solely the reason it sets up the universe for 2049, but overall a not great movie. 


Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Assignment 19- Will Stone

The most valuable piece of advice I have ever heard was, "'Don't be an idiot', changed my life. Whenever I'm about to do something, I think, 'Would an idiot do that?' And if they would, I do not do that thing." (Dwight Schrute, The Office) But all jokes aside, it is actually good advice. Many of the world's problems would be solved if some of our leaders didn't act like idiots. In my life, it has helped me to lower my procrastinating (lower, not eliminate) and keep me focused on what matters in life. It has helped me to think before I act and consider the consequences of my actions. This has kept me from doing stupid things and has kept me out of trouble I otherwise would have gotten in. I know it was meant as a joke, but it has real implications that apply to real everyday life. 

Assignment 17- Will Stone

Wonder Woman 1984 was an interesting movie that my family and I watched while in quarantine. It doesn't have many of the elements we've come to expect from The DC Extended Universe. For instance, WW84 has more jokes and humourous moments than some other DCEU films. The actors are less restricted than other installments in the franchise. For example, Chris Pine's improvised reaction to a breakdancer was something that probably wouldn't have been allowed in earlier films. However, the plot was a little confusing, and there were some continuity issues between this and Justice League. For example, why didn't Wonder Woman have some of the abilities she demonstrated in this film in justice league, which happens nearly 30 years later. In Justice League, Batman says that she had been in hiding for almost 100 years. Still, he would have caught something about this film. Another thing off about this film is the villain's motivation. We never hear why he's doing this, except to make the world better for his son, whom he neglects for the entire film, until the last 5 minutes.

Assignment 18- Will Stone

What are three items on your bucket list before you finish high school?

All-State Jazz Ensemble, All-District Jazz Ensemble, learn to play electric bass. 

What are three items on your bucket list before you finish college?

Intern at Wright-Patterson, Complete PT, be involved in an active and encouraging community,

What are three items on your bucket list before you finish living?

Get a good-paying respectable job, get married, be a positive influence on the people around me.

Being a positive influence on other people is the most important thing for me because as long as I can do this, not much else matters. I would like to live life, but as long as I'm not a bad influence and other people want to be around me, I feel like my life has mattered. The community you build during your life is essential. You can't take material wealth with you when you die, only your memories and relationships. I don't want to be a people pleaser, as that is not a real relationship, but if I live well and respect everyone, then I feel like my life has meant something,

Assignment 19- David Butler

I'm not sure if i can specifically remember one quote or piece of advice but i distinctly remember on many separate occasions being told these few things that have made me a better person and a better, more supportive boyfriend:

  1. if you have a good relationship, don't get too comfortable, it's something you always work at and that should be from both sides of the relationship, not just one. 

  2. You should always do what you can for the other and try new things, don't just settle into a mundane lifestyle. 

  3. Surprise can be a good tool in keeping a relationship interesting, try to do things unprompted to make the other person feel special and loved.

  4. Just spend time with them, everyone is busy but that doesn't mean there is no time in the day. Whether that means just watching tv with them, talking to them during 10 minute breaks, or sitting down and doing your work next to each other just to be in company of one another.

  5. Just be kind and supportive

Assignment 18- David Butler

 Before i finish high school i want to:

  1. Produce at least 3 short films during high school

  2. Go sky diving(i'm doing this for my 18th birthday, which is this year)

  3. Do a half ironman(swim 1.2 miles (1.9K), bike 56 miles (90K), and run 13.1 miles(half marathon))

Before i finish college i want to:

  1. produce at least 8 short films(2 per year, probably more since i'm going to film school)

  2. Do a full ironman(swim 2.4 miles (3.8K), bike 102 miles (180K), and run 26.2 miles( marathon))

  3. Move in and live with my girlfriend during college

Before i die i want to:

  1. Complete at least 3 iron men

  2. Marry anna Kovaleva

  3. Be a respected film producer in the industry

I would have to say that 2 of these are most important to me. One of which being a life long partner to my girlfriend of 2 and a half years which is more of a life goal. The other is to become a respected figure in the film industry which is more of a career goal. 

Now the first one I have no doubt can be accomplished because we are planning on both moving to California to either go to college together, go to separate colleges near each other so we can still live together, or live near enough that distance isn't a problem. This shouldn't be too difficult considering that there are 3 of the top 10 psychology schools in California and 11 out of the top 20 film schools.

Now for the second. This is a little more unpredictable because the film industry is highly competitive. However, i'm going to try my best and work my hardest to get as far as i can. Before high school i had literally produced +100 short films(some were very short, only a few minutes; while others were upwards of 15-20 min with sequels). I have always had a passion for it and i plan on continuing to work on it and be open minded to advice and or change.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Duncan Wingfield - Assignment 19

I am of the firm belief that magical, life changing advice is not a real thing that happens to real people. That's the type of thing that happens in corny coming of age movies, not the real world. Not once in my life have I had someone bestow a nugget of wisdom on me that I've held true to my heart ever since. Writing this I'm even struggling to recall getting any advice at all besides stuff that's super mundane and about anything besides making Lego things look nicer or math. The things I've had said to me that are the closest to this magical life advice is the stuff people have told me whenever I'm in trouble and to be completely honest I barely remember any of that, just the same old stuff of like "Think about what you say before you say it" which yeah that is good advice but I already knew that and the person telling it to me did not change my perspective on it or anything because that's not something that I needed to have told to me to figure out. The same thing applies to anything else told to me by scary and seemingly soulless school administrators whose only job is to force feelings of remorse into the minds of children.

Duncan Wingfield-Assignment 18

 Before I finish high school:

1. Learn to drive

2. Get in better shape

3. Grow a disgusting little moustache

Before I finish college:

1. Get my own place and be independent 

2. Visit Scandinavia

3. Learn another instrument

Before I finish living:

1. Go on a hike that lasts multiple days

2. Fly a plane (just once though)

3. Go scuba diving at a reef

I'm sure I've made it pretty clear in other posts but I absolutely love fish and underwater life and I really really want to get a firsthand experience with that whole other world of life at some point in my lifetime. Coral reefs are also not only flourishing with this life but also relatively accessible to dive in and explore and stuff. I don't have any particular spot or location or anything that I want to go to, I really don't care where it is as long as I'm able to get down there and see everything up close. 

Assignment 19- Gaby Rondel

The piece of advice that was most profound was for me was delivered by mom a few months ago. Obviously, my life right now revolves around what seems like an endless college search and desire to get into the best school. I am sure many people, my mom included, have told me this many many times before, but I never really paid it much attention. My mom told me that it is not about the school you go to, but what you do with the education that the school provides you with. Now, a better school can and probably will have better professors, more connections, and more and better opportunities, but the curriculum (for the most part) stays the same. I am always stressing about what I can do to make sure I get into the best school that I can, and I will continue to stress no matter what. But now I am less worried that I will be missing out if I don't get accepted or don't attend. Because it doesn't necessarily matter the name of the school on my diploma, but where I hang that diploma is really what matters. 

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Ezekiel Brown

Before finishing high school

1. go to Walmart

2.  get into a pretty ok college

3. get a higher ACT score than my sister

Before finishing college

1. travel somewhere outside of the US probably Europe with friends

2. figure out what i want to do with my life

3. meet a bunch of new people

Before dying

1. be remembered for something

2. watch lion king

3. get married or something

i really want to go to Walmart before i graduate high school just because I have heard so much about it and am very curious to experience that sort of atmosphere for myself, however I also feel that I cant just go to Walmart it has to be some major happening with several other people in order to get the best Walmart experience possible. I somewhat want to try and do one of the 24 hour at Walmart things just because that seems like an amazing way to first experience Walmart in all its glory but there is absolutely no way that i am spending 24 hours at Walmart unless i have several friends that are willing to do it with me. 

Challenge 19: Sanat Dharwad

 This may sound really simple and obvious, but this has really helped me. “If you don’t like something, don't do it.” Though I guess this doesn’t really apply for stuff related to school, this is still really helpful. I used to take Mridangam (an indian percussion instrument) classes, per the suggestion of my parents. I never was really into it, but as time went on, I felt more like I needed to continue, as I’d already been learning for so long, it'd be a waste to end now. Also, my teacher was horrible, so that added to my dislike of class. It took awhile for me to actually ask my parents to stop class, and once I was out, I felt such a large weight come off my shoulders. It was only once I stopped class I realized how much I hated it. This ideology also applied to me not continuing band in highschool. I realized that, though I love playing music, I didn’t like doing it in school. It makes it competitive and for a grade. I also felt bad stopping, since it made the previous years in band feel like a waste, but I know it was a good decision. 

Ezekiel Brown- Blog 19

 The most useful piece of advice that I have ever received was "try turning it off and back on again". I was getting a bit frustrated that my computer wasn't working and my sister told me to turn the computer off and back on again and I was really moved by it. I just sat there and thought about it for a couple minutes, it is just so simple that it often gets overlooked or passed over but when you really dive deep into the meaning and the history that it has it is just a truly astonishingly sound piece of advice not in in reference to technology but also all aspects of life. now every time I have any sort of problem I simply turn it off and back on again and repeat until the problem is fixed, now of course some things are harder to turn off or on than others but that is unavoidable. It hasn't failed me yet and i would greatly recommend it to everyone else.

Rukavina- assignment 19

 A quote that really stuck with me is “If it won’t matter in five years, then don’t spend more than five minutes worrying about it.” I love this quote because I feel like it’s some of the best advice you can give someone. I always am worrying about something completely ridiculous, and whenever I get so caught up in something, I just remind myself that one day I’m gonna look back and laugh at how much I worried about stuff when I turned out completely okay. This quote has been ingrained in my head ever since my sister decided to paint her bathroom walls with a bunch of quotes when she was in high school, and I always remember staring at this one. I think I liked it at first because I thought her handwriting for that one was really cool, but when I got older I actually understood what the quote was talking about.

Rukavina- assignment 18


  1. All A’s, get into a good college, and watch all the marvel movies

  2. Figure out a job I really want to do, do an internship, and study abroad

  3. Travel around Europe, go on a lot of rollercoasters, and own an amazing house

Before I finish high school I really want to watch all the marvel movies. I feel like a lot of kids my age have watched them repeatedly and know everything about them. So far I’ve only seen the 1st Iron Man movie, so I have a lot of work set out for me. I’m pretty sure there are about 20-25 marvel movies out right now, so my weekends are gonna be pretty busy for a while. I’ve never been a big superhero fan, except I’ve always liked the Spiderman movies but the ones I’ve seen aren’t part of the whole Marvel thing, so I’m hoping I’ll find something new I can obsess over. I just started this challenge yesterday, and I rewatched the 1st Iron Man and I’m now on Captain America. So far it’s pretty good! No complaints yet! I feel like this is also an important thing to do because a lot of kids in my generation have seen all these movies and don’t want to miss out on all the jokes anymore. Also if I watch them while I’m still in high school, I can reminisce about these movies when I’m older and be like “yea well I was alive right when these movies were coming out and watched them!” Might be a little white lie, but who's gonna know.

Assignment 19- Eleanor Badgett

 I would not say I have one specific piece of advice that has really changed my trajectory in life, but I would say I kind of have some habits I have developed or advice I have compiled that kind of leads the way I try to live. However, If I were to pick one piece of advice I guess that it would be the all too common "Don't cry over spilled milk." When I was little, my mom used to say this to me and my sister all the time making fun of her older sister who takes the saying and applies it to pretty much anything. Even though my mom did make fun of her, I think my aunt is on to something, she lives a life style that has great potential to be very stressful, but carries it with such grace and does an outstanding job. I think she is really able to do it so well just because she doe snot sweat the small stuff. In my own life, I find that when I heed to the saying it is much more enjoyable. 

Assignment 19 - Jimmy Chen

One thing I have learned through experience is that "the present is a present, enjoy it while you can" This has really stuck with me because often times people spend their lives living in the past or the future. People fantasize about what is to come next or fond memories or moments in the past that the often seek to recreate in the present or future. But what I have come to realize is that every moment or memory you make now might become the memory you are thinking of in a month, a year, or even 20 years down the road, so just enjoy the present because it is something you will never get back. Often times even if you do get to recreate or get another chance with some special moment, like the first time down a specific roller coaster, the second time will never be as magical or as frightening as the first time. It feels more empty and less gratifying each time. This is also something I have seen with people romanticizing the past eras just like how people talk about the 90's, 80's, 70's because these are eras of the past that our role models grew up in and people often seek to recreate that in the present. One day in the future some random kids in the 50's are going to reminisce about the 10's and the 20's which right now sounds absurd but that's what teens in the 90's would've thought about us. Someone in the future is going see the pandemic in all it's awfulness in a text book and fantasize about it saying "I was born in the wrong generation" so just enjoy it because they never will.

Assignment 18: Sanat Dharwad


  1. Play an over the board chess tournament and get a rating, make an absolute banger of a song, get accepted into a good college

  2. Learn “Sunburst” on guitar, become proficient at piano, get a 2000 rating for chess(USCF)

  3. Become a titled chess player, (i’m not really sure about the next two), become a millionaire, achieve enlightenment

I guess I kind of cheated setting 3 chess related goals, but I can’t really think of anything else. I started around 8 months, spending what is probably too much time playing. Because of covid, I haven’t had the opportunities to play any over the board tournaments, but hopefully once most people are vaccinated I’ll be able to go to those and get an over the board rating. Thankfully there is now a Henry Clay Chess Club, so that will probably make my goal of participating in a tournament much easier, with scholastic tourneys.

Assignment 18 - Jimmy Chen

  1. What are three items on your bucket list before you finish high school?
    1. cross country road trip
    2. good grades
    3. get a job
  2. What are three items on your bucket list before you finish college?
    1. Visit Australia
    2. Skydiving
    3. Study abroad (Hongkong/Singapore or Europe)
  3. What are three items  on your bucket list before you finish living?
    1. Visit all 7 continents
    2. Retire early (hopefully with a good amount of money)
    3. If I have kids (hopefully not) turn one of them into the prodigy that my parents never had
I think the visit Australia one is the most important to me. Something about Australia just fascinates me. It's so large its like America but copy pasted in the southern hemisphere. There is basically a whole new world down there that is the same but also totally different. The language is the same but different. The landscape is the same but different. The animals are the same but different. The culture is the same but different. And the cities are the same but smaller. This is also how I feel about Britain but its cold and depressing there. I don't like the cold, except for when it snows, the rest of winter is just dark and depressing and I would do anything to get out of it. I only enjoy skiing and then I'm out for the season. In an ideal world every winter break I would go skiing in Colorado and then book it to Australia to live on in my little warm summer fantasy.

Assignment 19 - Ethan Scutchfield

My middle school lacrosse coach told us that as long as you are making an effort and actively trying, screwing up while you are playing the game is not the end of the world.

I have tried to take this advice in other areas of my life, and during the whole COVID crap, I guess it has it's pluses and minuses.  When I fail, I take it hard.  I sometimes just shut down.  That has been really difficult during the last year.  I used to be able to get feedback in class where I actually had the attention of a teacher.  Even if I try, I know that I can't do enough to make up for what is going on.  Everything sucks.

I lost the 2020 lacrosse season, so I didn't even get to try.  It is hard to keep that mindset when I feel like everything keeps getting taken away.  Supposedly we are starting a season for this year, but I suspect they'll take it away.  I want to keep actively trying, but when the adults in the world keep changing the rules, it is hard to keep a positive attitude.

 I am horrible at basketball, but I love playing.  So I definitively take the advice to keep trying and not doing something to screw it up.

Assignment 18- Eleanor Badgett

 Before I finish high school:

- go on a really fun trip with my family

- do a really really big puzzle 

- make baked Alaska 

Before I finish college:

- go on a long long road trip 

- figure out what I want to do 

- get my own car  

Before I finish living:

- go to Alaska 

- spend an extended extended period of time in another country 

- ride in a Tesla

One of my biggest and most easily obtainable goals before I finish high school is to make a baked Alaska. Baked Alaska is basically ice cream cake covered in meringue. I first saw this wonderful looking desert on the final episode of Master Chef Junior a long time ago where the season winner made it as his show winning dessert. While I have never actually tasted or seen a baked Alaska in real life, it has recently become a goal of mine to make. I don't think it will be too hard but I have to say I am skylight confused as to how you are supposed to keep the ice cream from melting while browning the meringue. You know now that I think about, meringue might be an insulator. 

Assignment 17 - Ethan Scutchfield

This might be my least favorite assignment.  I don't like going to see movies.  I hate being stuck in the theater with the overwhelming sound of the dolby surround.  Plus, I haven't really left the house since March, so there is that.  I have taken the liberty to write about past movies I have seen and their director, George Lucas.

My parents are huge Star Wars fans so I have seen and watched these movies from the time I could see movies.  I am comparing "A New Hope" to "The Phantom Menace."

I think that Lucas build A New Hope as a formulaic heroes journey.  It centered around the supporting cast and gives every character a chance for hero and self-awareness.  Ultimately, it shows the growth they each go through.  The CGI in the original was the first of its kind.  They made the effort and was somewhat revolutionary.

The Phantom Menace had many issues.  It tried to follow the same formula focusing on characters and action, but added unlikeable characters (especially Jar Jar Binks).  The represented CGI wasn't as high quality.  It was trying to capitalize on the market and ended up looking cheap.

At the end of the day, I think that George Lucas sold out on the second trilogy believing that throwing so much technology into it made it cheap.  The cheesy but true stories introduced in the original outweigh the dazzle of technology.

Assignment 17 - Jimmy Chen

 Over the break I had the opportunity to watch the new Wonder Woman, this was before I knew about all the criticisms about the movie. That I had found out when I was googling the movie after I watched it. I had really liked the first movie and found it to be very enjoyable to watch, though I don't think I could say the same for this movie. Although the movie was very entertaining and was very action packed, it somehow not fulfilling to watch. Granted I did watch this movie at my friends house at 1 in the morning laying on an air mattress, but from what I recollect, the plot was kind of difficult to follow and I was a little confused the whole time. It did have its moments in some scenes but when looking at the story as a whole I still am a little confused about a lot of the details. There was also a scene were she did some monologuing and I did not really like that. Although it provided some context I feel that it could've been introduced in some different format, not a monologue. That stuff is for cliché bad guys not the protagonist of a superhero movie. Speaking of bad guys, I did not thing the antagonist was very well developed or that strong or compelling of an antagonist. Up until that ending point I would've given it maybe like a 6 or 7 but the ending with that cliché Christmas scene and that monologue drops it to a 5/10.

Assignment 17- Eleanor Badgett

 One movie I have recently watched is Safety on Disney Plus. This Disney original follows the true story of a Clemson football player, Ray "Ray Ray" McElrathbey who assumes the responsibility of taking care of his much younger brother, Fahmarr McElrathbey, after their mother is forced into rehab. The movie is quite Disney, and oddly enough reminds me a little bit of the Disney Chanel Original trilogy High School Musical. Heartwarming, emotional, and awesome are words that can only scratch the surface of all that this movie is. The story line is much like a roller coaster at the duo seems to always float in and out of being on top of the game and in trouble with administration. In the end though, it is quite nice to see how everyone was able to come together in their support, especially knowing that the movie is based on a true story. I would recommend this movie to anyone who wants a heartwarming story but also does not mind the cringe. 

Assignment 19 Garrett Peavler

 The best advice I have ever been given is "The only way you fail is if you quit trying." And while this may seem like some cheesy slogan you'd see on a billboard advertising sportswear, it is a fantastic piece of advice that has a substantial amount of real world application. It is easy to become discouraged when you make a mistake or don't get something right the first time, but you really shouldn't be. You are never going to know how to do something right unless you do it wrong. Mistakes allow you to learn what not to do which ultimately makes you a better person. Every attempt and every mistake gives you knowledge or skills that help you improve and so long as you are improving you haven't failed. But if you quit trying, you lose the benefits that mistakes bring. And at that point, what have you gained? Nothing. You have gained nothing and you have failed.

Assignment 17: Sanat Dharwad

  Over break I watched Hunt for the Wilderpeople, directed by Taika Waititi. I came into this with high expectations, as I’ve enjoyed his past works, and was not disappointed this time around.   

    The main character Ricky Baker is an orphan deemed irredeemable by the foster system. He eventually finds a good family with Hec and Bella Faulkner. Soon enough, the rebellious Ricky Baker warms up to Bella and for the first time in a while, is happy. Tragically, Bella dies of a heart attack, and Hec is deemed unsuitable to raise Ricky on his own, so child protective services come back to take Ricky back. Not wanting to go back, Ricky runs into the New Zealand bush, and Hec goes in to find him. Meanwhile, child protective services return to their house and assume Hec Kidnapped Ricky, and go on a hunt for them. The majority of the movie is Ricky and Hec on the run from the government, trying to survive out in the wilderness.

    I loved this movie. Waititi, as always, was really good with the comedic aspect of the movie, inserting it in the places you’d least expect. I liked Hec and Ricky originally despising each other, but growing to like each other as they went on their journey. There were also some really heart wrenching moments which balanced out the action and humor, such as Bella’s death. Most of all, the ending was really satisfying. While I was watching the movie I was concerned that it was just going to end with Hec and Ricky hiking into the sunset, continuing their journey, something really cheesy, but thankfully the ending provided some closure and character development, though bittersweet. ( I was vague here cause i don't know if you plan on watching this, plus I couldn’t get this on rotten tomatoes)

Assignment 18 Garrett Peavler

 Before High school ends:

  • I'd like to learn piano before high school ends, it seems like a long shot, but you'd be surprised how fast you can pick something up if you put your mind to it.
  • I'd like to get my driver's license, quarantine has really slowed that process down.
  • Not much else before high school ends, I'd like to graduate and not get eaten by a rabid gaze of raccoons.
Before College ends:
  • I'd like to go to another country or at least leave the east half of the country.
  • I don't know any thing else, I don't even know what field I'm going into. 
Before I end:
  • I'd like to have a family 
  • I'd like to start having family reunions.
  • I really don't know what else is important enough to me to put it in the top three things to do before I die.
    The most important thing in this list to me is to start having family reunions. We used to have them them once a year until about 3 years ago. It ended because a lot of the family was getting too old to keep doing it and then we went through a bit of family drama. But I don't want this to be the end of family reunions. Family plays a large part in my life, as we meet with both sides of my extended family every weekend (mom's side on Friday, dad's side on Sunday). So, growing up, these family reunions were my favorite time of the year because we met with my full extended family on my dad's side which is about 100 people. Family reunions were a lot of fun and they built up the importance of family in my head and I want future generations of my family to be able to have this experience as well. It's not like it would be hard to do either considering my entire family lives in Kentucky.

Asignment 22- Your life Isnt Boring- Henry Adams

Assignment 20: How to … video post

Time to make a Youtube tutorial - HECK YEHAA

Hide not your talents, they for use were made. What's a sundial in the shade?
--Benjamin Franklin
Ben makes a good point. For this week, put your gifts and skills on display by developing a "how-to." Choose something that you have a level of expertise in and explain step by step how it is done.

No repeats though! If two people are both really talented at making ice and one beats the other to the post on "How to make ice..." then, second person - you need to reflect upon your other talents.

So, stop standing in the shade and astound us!

This can be made on a phone or some rudimentary camera/editing device but you have to make a tutorial - have fun.

Minimum of 150 words - due Sunday, February 28 at 11:59 pm

March 28 is the last day to make up blogs 20-22

Friday, February 12, 2021

Zent-Assignment 19

Something that has stuck with me and I try really hard to keep in mind is “don’t spend more than five minutes worrying about something that won’t matter in five years.” Obviously I don’t take this totally literal or else I would virtually get nothing done, but I like more of the message that this has. My mom used to say this to me when I was little because I would get so worried about what other people thought, things I had to get done, and things I had already done that I couldn’t change anything about. This was her way of telling me that everything is going to work out and eventually, no matter how bad something went, it wouldn’t matter so much anymore. I try to remember this advice when I get worked up over something to remind myself that everything is going to work out just fine and whatever I’m trying to do is enough.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Assignment 19 - Palmer Lee

It may be because I just wasn't thinking hard enough, or because I wasn't in the right state of mind, but I could not remember a specific piece of advice for this assignment. I don't know why, I'm sure that people have given me advice before, but I just can't think of anything. But, not receiving advice from somebody else may actually be advice in itself. It's allowed me, maybe even forced me, to figure things out for myself. Not everyone in life is going to be able to help me - or even be willing or want to help me - when I ask for or need it. So, in a way, you could say the best piece of advice I've ever gotten was not to expect free advice from anyone. Nothing in life is going to be handed to be on a silver platter, and I'm going to have to learn to accept that and be able to do things myself.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Assignment 19- Sara Anderlich

 The piece of advice that was most profound for me was actually something I found when I was at a very bad spot mentally. It was a quote that read:

 "Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day."

Though it was a slow process, over the course of a few years, this quote became something that I came back to over and over again, and it completely changed my outlook on life. At first it was small things... I had a mood tracker app on my phone and when I was listing my daily activities, I found things that I enjoyed, even if in that moment I was miserable. I would remember calling my friends, laughing at lunch, playing with my dog, singing in choir, play rehearsal, a good grade on a math test. They were small moments, but it made me happier to realize that there were still some things that I enjoyed. I started doing that every night. I would think about my day and write everything down.. the good and the bad... and the thing was, there was always something good that I could talk about, even if it was about the food I had or a video I had seen on YouTube. 

As time passed, there were friends I made that always seemed so stuck. They talked about how their lives were miserable, and even though I wanted to help, I knew that it wasn't something I could really do much about. I could tell them about the good things in their life, but it was hard to do that without sounding like I didn't understand. Even with help and encouragement, they ultimately had to be the ones to take control of their life. 

It just made me realize that, for me, the most important thing for my happiness was my mindset. If I told myself that I loved something, or that I was going enjoy something, it made my experiences more meaningful... Not because I was faking my happiness, but because I finding something to laugh about.. or people to laugh with. I didn't have to enjoy everything I did, or make every emotion positive, I just had to make my time worthwhile. 

"Eh, I didn't really enjoy this, but at least I got to see some friends". "Today wasn't a very good day, but at least I can go home and shower/sleep now." It was the "but" that changed everything. I started to find more reasons to smile. I started to love what I was doing because I knew I could make the things I didn't particularly like exciting. It was learning how to stop dwelling on what was bringing me down, and how to finally take control of my life. 

So overall, this one quote became nudge that I needed to start becoming a better, and happier, person.  

Monday, February 8, 2021

Assignment 18: Ethan Scutchfield

My Bucket List

For High School

1.  As with everything right now, I just want to survive and not die.

2.  Because I am not doing well with online classes, I hope I don't fail a class.  It's a real possibility and that could really mess up plans for college.

3.  I want to be able to live my life.

For College

1.  I want to have the chance to travel, either by taking classes in different places or by going places on my breaks.

2.  Part of the travel I want to do is go to Japan.  Japan has always been on my bucket list.

3.  I guess most of all, I want to have fun.

Before I Finish Living

1.  I want to be remembered for "something."  I hope it is a good thing, but who knows?

2.  I hope to get married one day.

3.  Most of all, I hope that I don't win a Darwin Award.

I feel like everything for the last year has been put on hold, so I am writing more about wanting to live my life.  Like really live.  Right now, I feel like we are just surviving and that is not any fun.  This is not how I wanted to spend my high school years.  We don't go to dinner, we don't travel, Lacrosse was canceled last spring and summer/fall lacrosse was very different.  We haven't been in the classroom for almost a year.  I haven't been able to get involved with clubs or organizations.  I want to live.

Koen- Assignment 19

     The most profound advice that I have received came from my dad during my years in middle school. I was very anxious in middle school and I worried on school projects a lot. During that time, my dad gave me this advice: "Keep it simple, stupid" or KISS. That way of thinking about school work may not be the mindset for overachievers but it was one that helped me get past a lot of school stuff. Keeping things simple and right down to the core makes it so that I don't have to waste time doing things that feel unnecessary and that would only add more stress. This advice also gives out a hidden meaning which is how to find your priorities. When it came to school projects, keeping things simple helped me find the true purpose of some of those assignments so that when many would come around bs-ing or late-night turning in those projects, I was able to get more information out of those projects so that I would be more engaged in learning. This simple advice helped me get through other projects and it is still advice that I tend to use for other activities. Keeping it simple takes out the confusion so that you are able to see what is truly important for that specific moment.

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Ghazzal Hammad - Assignment 19

 One piece of advice that has stuck with me over the years is "everything you do will pay off in the end". As someone who constantly feels stressed and overwork by the amount of things I have going on, this piece of advice has really helped me, especially in high school. I expect it to help me going forward, like in college, grad school, and even in my future career. This piece of advice has shown me that it is important to stay patient and focus on your goals. It has helped me remember that, even when I get frustrated or exhausted, there is something I am working towards, and all my hours of hard work and effort will be worthwhile in the end. Keeping this piece of advice in mind helps calm me down when I am stressed and gives me motivation to keep doing what I am doing in all aspects of life. 

Friday, February 5, 2021

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Assignment 18- Gaby Rondel

 Bucket List for Highschool

1) Maintain my GPA

2) Enjoy life more than stress over college

3) Get accepted to a college that I am proud to attend

Bucket List for College

1) Get a job that I am passionate about

2) Travel with friends at least twice

3) Discover something new about myself

Bucket List for Life

1) Get over my fear of public speaking

2) Travel to as many places as I possibly can

3) Go parachuting once (once is all I need)

To me, the most important out of the 9 is to travel to as many places as I possibly can. I feel like there are two main reasons why this is so important. The first is that I, like the rest of my family, am a traveler. I love going to new places, meeting new people, encountering different cultures, exploring, and most importantly, trying new foods. The second reason why this is so important is the underlying factors of my future life that will make this possible. For starters, I would need a steady job with a high enough income to make my traveling dreams come true. I would need to learn how to manage money and learn where to save so that I can make my traveling dreams come true. I would need to learn how to say "no" and not overload myself, to take breaks, to not get too caught up in day-to-day life, in order to make my traveling dreams come true. All of these things are very important to me, but they are all very important for one reason. I want to be able to provide for myself (and in the not-so-near future my kids) the life that my parents provided for me. And this life most definitely includes travel. 

Assignment 19- Church

 After working at my recent job for 8 months, I have made some of my best friends there. A lot them are older than me and have gone through more life experiences than me. While there, I had someone tell me that practice makes perfection. Don't get me wrong I've heard this plenty, I actually kind of hate the statement, because usually you hear it from coaches or someone way older than you, and honestly I feel like sometimes they don't understand because they aren't the one doing said task. However, hearing it from people who I look up to and who are daily showing me that they can do the tasks as well and learn them quickly gave me the motivation to learn how to do said task and become perfect at it. For some reason since they told me that I have thought about it in my everyday life. Any time that I am working on something whether it be school, work, or even just playing video games, I think about the idea that I should practice more and if they can do it so can I.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Gaby Rondel- Assignment 17

So this past weekend, my family and I FINALLY watched Onward. I would say that this was the perfect family movie. It was kid-friendly, sure, but none of us got bored. There were action sequences. Like real action sequences. It was as if the characters were actually people with an "animation" filter on them. It was THAT good. On top of spectacular animation, I think the casting was great, the whole movie we were either giggling, crying, or clutching each other's arms in suspense. The story was great, there was a plot that was easy to follow, but not boring. It wasn't a movie where there were just pretty things to look at, (unlike Dolittle which is what we watched after Onward). Like I said, it is the perfect family movie, there is pretty animation for the little kids to look at, jokes to laugh at, and a suspenseful (yet still PG) plot to enjoy. 

I'd give this movie a 10/10. 


Assignment 26 - Grace Barnett

 One suggestion that I have for future classes is that you should maybe spend more time practicing each essay that is on the exam. I know re...